Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Lamb Died

               We learned a few days ago that Bartie, the lamb we described in our last posting, died.  I called the shepherd and found that in spite of injections, salve, bottle feeding, the lamb just couldn’t make it.   So what is there to learn from this experience?  In two words, empathy and grief.   Empathy with the Father’s heart when we will not turn aside to see, stop to listen, respond with obedience.   Grief for sickness, dying, death.    The Devil’s job is to lie, steal, kill.   He’s at work, and generally does a hell of a job.   As long as we live on this occupied planet by this evil ruler, with his tight knit mafia, we need to cultivate empathy and grief as essential life skills. 
If you don’t have little blind sheep around to teach you this, try swans looking into their own reflections.
  Or perhaps regular people bridging rivers over rocky ground. 

Opportunities to learn empathy and grief are all around you. Look, listen, learn—without judgment, knee-jerk reactions, blinding assumptions.   I hope to see you.


Norm Beers said...

Really appreciated the story, Vance. A remarkable incident, a beautiful response, and an excellent spiritual interpretation.

Norm Beers said...

Thanks so much for sharing your story, Vance. A remarkable incident, a beautiful response, and an excellent spiritual interpretation.