Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weaving Attachment

I’m reading about attachment and attunement. The Anatomy of the Soul, Curt Thompson, MD, is a great read.   Our connection to Jesus and others all mirror how we were able or not able to attach to mom and dad as kids. This mirror can be fixed if it is broken, and most attachment mirrors are truly busted.

The mirrored Stickyl Tarn pictured above is almost perfect. My own attachment has been a mix of avoidant, anxious, or disorganized feelings. God is gradually messing with that.  He's securing my hold on Him in a way that mirrors more closely His hold on me. The goal is to weave together a loving chosen family that mirrors Jesus together back to Him and each other.

When you feel me feeling your feelings with you, now we're talking!   That's the guts of attachment in the making.   When that empathy is missing, what's left are talking heads with mouths and no ears.

St Augustine was ahead of the game when he said, “So great is the process of a sympathetic mind that our students are affected by us as we teach and we by them as they learn. Thus we come to dwell in each other; they speak within us what they hear, while we learn in them what we teach.” From Instruction of Beginners, XII, 17.

This picture above & below is of Mary attaching to her Child within and the world around her.   She's feeling the pain of the coming birth and death of her child swirling within her like a galaxy forming.  Her pain and process is etched in glass and suspended from the wall of a cathedral in Kansas City, Missouri.   It's an amazing sculpture.   Attachments costs.  But the salvation of your world depends on it.  

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