Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Lamb of God

Today was typical spring Lake District weather—rain, fog, clouds, sun dancing in and out.   Bethyl and I went for a long ramble in the emerald valley between Hard Knott Pass and Wry Nose Pass.   We watched a ewe drop the second of her two lambs right in front of us.  The farmer was passing as we were watching, asked if there was any trouble, and I said, “maybe so; she just dropped another lamb, but it’s not moving yet.”   He went over, swung the lamb around by the hind legs, and laid it out in front of the mom.  She started licking off the birthing sack and the little lamb just raised its head up to greet its mom and the new world. 

  Not only are lambs popping out, but also God’s magic of waking up what was once dead under winter snows.   The once imaginary hope for the flowers is now sensible, tangible, fragrant.   Faith in the seasons comes from faith in the Creator, that Lamb of God shown so poignantly by Michael Belk in his work ( ).  Look carefully at the Main Course.

Thank you, Jesus, for not quitting on us, for your work of atonement even in the midst of my frequent unbelief or inattention.   Happy Easter, folks.  Truly, Happy Resurrection Day.

1 comment:

Helen Maritim said...

Oh, look at that. What a wonder to be a witness to a new breath of life. Our Lord is so wonderful.