Monday, December 6, 2010

Keeping Clear

Naomi Remmen’s book, My Grandfather’s Blessings, mentioned a story where she got a silver bracelet from a dear and wise friend, a counselor. It had one word engraved on it, “clear.” She wore it for a long time before asking what it meant. The friend said, look it up in a big dictionary, not a small one. Many definitions emerged, among them, “free from obstruction, entanglement, impurity, debt…”. The most meaningful definition, however, was “a perfect transmitter of light.” I can be that transmitter of God’s light in Jesus now and again—particularly as we move toward that shortest day of the year on December 22nd, but day in and out, can I keep clear? In my role of shepherding the unruly sheep within me, or around me--those in the fold, in the cold, in the mist, and in the dark, can I keep clear?

I am to be a clear reflection of His beauty, a mirror of his mercy, and grace, and generosity. Lord, let me mirror your character in my own.

When blown by winds of circumstance, frozen sideways by icy coldness from those around us, can I stand as a silent testimony to how deep my roots have gone?

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