Monday, November 8, 2010

Flooding & Homesick & Beautifully Blessed

                   Appreciation!     We’re thankful when we hear of you partnering with us – as you read our journey, remembering us, and praying for us. So many of the apostle Paul’s letters are mingled with his keen attachment to friends he rarely saw… and now we are personally experiencing relationships + physical distance.

                 Month 1:     Today we have been in the United Kingdom for one month. The orchestral symphony of His grace is deepening…with stretching and promising new scores. Take last Friday as an example – the rain was steady and intensifying. We drove into Ambleside for a few grocery items and to have dinner. As we sloshed through flooded areas, very deep puddles came over the tires… be vigilant and very cautious at all times (1 Peter 5:9) came to mind… 70 minutes later as we came home these same puddles were flooding … cars were stopped to the side. Vance entered the heaviest of the flood zones. As the water rose to cover our headlights, I prayed “Oh, Jesus, help us… Help us, Lord… You promise to help when we are in trouble.” As the car cleared the flooding areas, “thank you, Jesus. Thank You. You helped us.” Knowing and experiencing are quite different. Knowing God’s promise and leaning into His Words to become reality is where we are in our pursuit of Him through this “set apart” time of rest. Can’t say the rising flood of the river over our headlamps was restful at the time… but the truth that He hears and comes when we call on Him is fortifying our faith.

                     In the Way.    We are among fellow pilgrims who are venturing into headwaters of “trust and obey.” Not a new road and quite familiar to many who are followers of Jesus, the Christ. We’ve heard “partial obedience is 100% disobedience.” We know the distinct Hand of God in our moving from California and His timing in our doing so.

We’re letting thankfulness gain ground in our hearts as we agree with David from 1 Chronicles 29:11 “… we adore You as being in control of everything…” Nonetheless – this walk is, quite bluntly, hard. I’m so “homesick” at times – and now “I have no home.”  Not a news flash to me… I anticipated this… our son’s girlfriend, Shauna said “it’s so hard for you but you are going anyway!” I said “the point is obedience not whether it’s hard or not.” As I remain honest before the Lord, reality sets in, and I realize my heart-felt delight to be His daughter and part of the tenacious body of Jesus Christ.

 I’m learning Christ’s commands are inverted promises—when I obey the command, then the promised strength comes, not before.

I being in the way, the Lord led me (Genesis 24:27). We watch for His markings – like this exquisite perspective of the swan being enveloped by this tree’s submission to the season of change, the Fall. We go from glory to glory. The season of winter gloriously descended onto the green pastures today.

                          On the way. One of the marvelous markings on my life during my single years were walks along the cliffs of Laguna Beach, California with Molly – a friend who radiated the presence of God. Arms linked, I was Molly’s eyes -- describing the numerous details of the ocean, cliffs, sand, shells, people we passed. And, she was training my ears – “listen, Beth… do you hear the symphony in the music of the ocean? Can you hear the string instruments playing?” Never had I attuned my ears to hear what Molly heard. Molly, blind at age 22 with the onset of diabetes, sang her own written songs from the Song of Solomon, for our wedding nearly 29 years ago now. Her sights for Jesus always outshone her debilitating challenges. One of her friends shared, “you know, Molly, most people die and go to heaven, but you—you’re going piece by piece.” All of Molly joined Jesus this last week—and we know she’s singing “Glory! Glory! I’m home!” Now… we have two of our “saint-friends” in glory – Meg and Molly. I’m so thankful this world is not my home… I’m just a traveling through. My treasures are laid up…beyond the blue…” Both finished their course well! May I, too!

1 comment:

Mark said...

Bless you! Proverbs 3:5-6