Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Do You See?

        We’re finding out that being a foreigner in a strange land isn’t always easy. We wanted to get a cell phone, for example. We can’t do that without a bank account. We can’t get a bank account without a permanent address. We can’t get a permanent address without a national identity card or a bank account. And so it goes. There are ways and means to do all of that, but it requires flexibility, patience, persistence, and good humor. It’s humbling.

           We finally get a temporary bank account, a beginner account given to students who have just arrived in the country. We can apply for a regular upgrade to entry bank account in a year. What does the Lord require of you, oh man, but to do justly, love mercy, walk humbly… (Micah 9:6).

           As we walk out of the bank we look up to the sky and see this rainbow over the local cancer treatment center. A gentle reminder was spoken to our spirits in that moment: "Live under my grace, my promise, before you go further about the work of treating soul cancer". We, in that moment, had eyes to see. When we pointed out the rainbow to passers-by, excited, they mostly shrugged it off: “Rains so much here, it’s a common sight.” Just like everyday bushes in the desert when Moses was going about his everyday business, but he was given eyes to see the flames and know he was on holy ground. He looked. With eyes of faith, open wide. So what about me, and thee?

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