Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Clean Fun Celebrating My Birthday!

          Happy 59th birthday celebration to me as I begin my 60th lap around our sun! I enjoyed spending my life wholly and holy, one breath at a time. Early walking and talking with the Lord, oatmeal at Coco’s, working out at 24 Hr Fitness, and the rest of the daylight hours at Club Mud with my bride—including an hour Swedish massage. Now we’re off to Thai Basil for dinner. I do believe this is as good as it gets. Thank you, Lord, for your unremitting blessing, bounty, beauty.

           The day in the mud was bodacious, muscle-melting, mudilicious, and just plain, clean fun—minus the clean. It was a fresh reminder in an earthy way that we hold this Treasure in earthen vessels that the power of the glory might be of Him and not us. While at the hot springs I started to read thru Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings Trilogy once again; it’s always a good read with new gleanings each time thru.

One more entry from a couple of days ago in my journal:  

                          Last night and tonight we camp in Doheny State Beach here in Dana Point, CA. no hook-ups to electric, water, or sewer; just sun, sea, surf.
                         Campsite #7 is just steps from the beach. Listened to the silence of the ocean punctuated by the hard slap of a big curl collapsing on pounded sand thru the night. A peaceful time with my bride and myself, surrounded by the goodness of the Lord God himself and a beautiful campfire last night that spilled out just enough heat and light to warm our bones and light our book.

                      Earlier we walked through the various campsites, enjoying the watch of people living out their lives. Wee children furiously driving their tricycles; grown-ups Scrabbling into the squint of the sun’s glare; the smell of roasting meat on open campfires. Old and young bustling, reading, cooking, eating, laughing, building their castles in the sand. Reminds me of George Washington Carver’s statement: “how far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong; because someday in life you will have been all of these.”


Bruce and Julie said...

I'm glad your birthday was so special, Vance. The pic of you in the mud is great! And what a treat to getway to Doheny...it's truly a restful place.


Vonnie said...

Happy Birthday, Vance! and beginnings of your 60th lap!! Sounds like you celebrated in great style!!

I was just checking to see what' new with you two! Thinking much about you! Blessings and love, Vonnie