October 2nd 2008
It’s a new day. Roosters across the countryside chorusing together. After having watched “How Great Is Our God” last night with Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio, my heart was warmed and perspectivized. I felt myself shrinking in that good universal shrink wrap. Down goes the pride as up goes the Lord into something miniscully approximating his true grandeur. When I think of that one galaxy 31 million light years (x 5.88 trillion miles) away from us, with the figure of the cross in its black hole core, I just shake my head and smile. Sudan in perspective. Me in perspective.
October 3, 2008
I just returned from Harvester’s Orphange where I met with about 25 teachers and their principal for a staff development meeting. The founder and CEO, Dennis, is pictured with me. Eight years ago nothing was here but bush. Now this group feeds 500 mouths a day out a a dozen or more buildings.
I spoke on stages of discipline in a classroom, some materials I had liberally lifted off different internet sites with some of my own salt and pepper. These were primarily men, teaching pre-schoolers and primary schoolers! Amazing. Warm, humble bunch, far as I could see.
What a blessing to be told I was a blessing to them all. I think I had some encouragement and information to offer them, in that order. I told them they were my heroes, that it was for such a time as this that they were called to be the body that Christ no longer has on this planet to that group of people whom Christ is particularly fond, orphans. I thanked them for Him. I said that they might be the only representative of a Father that these children might ever see that was kind and loving. God with skin on Him. Their heads were nodding, some eyes puddling. It was a holy moment. Thank you Lord for your most awesome gifting to them thru me whilst I stood by and watched.
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