March 27, 2010
Lately we’ve been in this chapter of life where we are enjoying the process of letting go. Divesting. De-stuffing. Getting rid of. Merrily muling my way down life’s path, noodling about what we can next give away joyfully. Why have three couches when two or one will do? Why three sets of this or two copies of that? One is enough. Our Master lived with one cloak, one pair of sandals, and one life—and He gave it all away out of obedience to His Father. He knew that the stuff he owned would own him. Am I any better than that? Can I manage possessions more skillfully than the One who is before and after all time, who created the galaxies that spin in space? Perhaps you can think about your life and you too can begin to count your riches in the number of things you can do without. This is a spirituality of subtraction. Try it; you might like it.